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Welcome to Tal's Tips Book Club!

-Unfolding Connections-



  • We are no longer just reading “personal growth” books, but instead opening ourselves up to empowering and influential books of autobiographies, memoirs, literature, and fiction stories! 

  • Growth doesn’t just happen from “self-help” it happens from connecting with real humans, their experiences, their minds, and their hearts: inside book club meetings [once a month], we will be discussing the authors books and connecting on levels we weren’t able to before!



  • It’s now completely FREE to join and participate each month!!! (THIS IS HUGE)!

  • You will read books you actually want to read by submitting recommendations to Tal regularly

  • By joining, you will gain the accountability you've been missing to finally read the books you've had on your shelf for MONTHS!!!

  • You will gain connection like never before with souls that are reading the same book as you!

  • You will reflect and finally take away knowledge, insight, and perspectives from authors of different backgrounds and genres [if that isn't the best way to learn, I don't know what is!]

  • Access to our private Facebook Group with a community of like-minded, high-vibe humans sharing their realizations, connections, and perceptions together in a safe space.

  • Read a book each month with the freedom to start and finish whenever you would like - no membership obligations and no time constraints - read as you go and come to the meetings when you can!

  • Networking is EVERYTHING! You will meet other humans who share similar interests and also be exposed to differing perspectives that will allow for true growth internally and externally!

  • Each live meeting, you will have the chance to win a personalized prize directly from Tal!


We meet once a month to discuss the book we have read together: The last Thursday of every month at 7:00pm EST 


We meet monthly virtually on the "Zoom" platform. In between meetings, Tal goes live inside the private Facebook Group and members share their thoughts throughout reading the book! You will receive the zoom meeting link inside your first "Welcome Email" after signing up as well as you will have "Event" notifications inside the Facebook Group!


Yes! When you sign up, you will be prompted to fill out a form of all of your current book recommendations! Anything you desire to read to anything you want to re-read for pleasure, put it in the form! Tal will also ask monthly inside the Facebook Group for members to share their newest book rec's! 

Reading a book on your own but have no one to talk to about it?
Connection is EVERYTHING.

Tal's Book Club was created in 2020 with the hopes of allowing other humans to share their thoughts about books they read in a safe space where everyone involved could connect, learn, and grow together! When you join, not only will you receive access to the private Facebook group BUT you will also have monthly meetings with the group to share and connect on your thoughts towards each book! Unfold your connections, inside Unfolding Connections today! 

We’d love to see you at our next meeting! Join us below!
Do you have access to Zoom?

Thanks for registering. See you inside!

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